What are people saying?
Incredible ability to lead, hold space and connect
"Getting Started in the Akashic Records is an excellent introductory training to the Records.
I highly recommend it! Alicia has an incredible ability to lead, hold space and connect with each participant in a loving, grounded and very real way.
I loved the intimacy of the group and the opportunity to heal and transform areas of my life.
Thank you so much, Alicia! I look forward to what's next."
- Rebecca Massoud, Soulful Speaker Coach, rebeccamassoud.com

Renewed Perspective
“I absolutely love Alicia and feel so blessed to have found her. She has so many gifts and such an earthy, inspiring and loving way of communicating her messages to you.
She helped me clarify my relationships with many people closest to me in a time when I needed the insight, and also provided me with some practical yet profound tools to create more joy in my life and my business.
Have your soul story done, you will have such a renewed perspective on your life. I would recommend her to anyone!”
~ Kari Samuels, Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach, KariSamuels.com

More Soul, True Success & Fulfillment
“Alicia helped me bring more of my soul into my business and this is the foundation for true success and fulfillment.
Thank you, Alicia! You have a calm and supportive presence. And I love the energetic approach you bring to your work. It was exactly what I needed.” Elysha Lenkin, Style Confidence Expert, elyshalenkin.com

“Alicia’s work comes from a place of pure intention and pure integrity. She captures CLEAR TRUTH and delivers it with gentleness and kindness. Her words resonate for a long time following the sessions and bring the peace that allows me to remember life is a gift…as is Alicia.” ~ Therese Rowley, PhD, author of Mapping A New Reality, thereserowley.com

Today's session was OFF the CHARTS!
"I have been working with Alicia for quite some time. Even though I've been trained in my own Akashic Records, I was having difficulty with a deep feeling of unrest and sadness and fear.
I was having trouble taking deep breaths, my chest was tight and my head felt so much pressure. It was overwhelming. There's so much going on in the world yet this felt like it wasn't just that.
Alicia provides this safe and loving container where you can rest and feel held and also not feel judged which is really important.
After this particular reading where we were able to get to the origin of what was causing this deep unrest, sadness and fear, it was like a million pound weight was taken off my chest and that pressure released from my head.
I felt lighter and more open and what really felt amazing was the freedom from that fear that was gripping me so tight. It was so exciting to be able to sit down and do some things in my business that I hadn't been able to do for weeks!
I highly recommend Alicia to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, fearful, stuck, and just not feeling quite right. She's amazing to work with and I can't recommend her enough."
~ Brenda Reiss, Forgiveness & Transformation Coach, brendareisscoaching.com

"It was so powerful to experience the connection you make SOUL to SOUL. I understand more why I am here and especially the details of my SOUL'S MISSION.
I loved also learning about my own BIRTH FAMILY DYNAMIC and how I fit in. You even picked up on the ANIMALS in the family. Now I understand why they behave the way they do!
You helped me see the ANSWERS to questions I have pondered a long time.
Most of all, I am able to understand the BIGGER PICTURE of life. The soul stories you tell assist one in ALIGNING with one's TRUE PURPOSE in life.
Thanks so much for your powerful work! I hope anyone out there who reads this will treat themselves to a session with Alicia.... you will be so happy you took the time to INVEST in YOURSELF and your POSITIVE FUTURE!”
~ Ariane M. , Tennessee – Artist & Angel Intuitive

Uncovered insights I had never imagined
"I recently had the privilege of an Akashic Records reading with Alicia, and the experience was powerful!
She provided me with deep clarity around both my career path and love life, uncovering insights that I never imagined possible.
Alicia connected directly with my spirit team, bringing through their guidance in such an authentic and empowering way.
Through her reading, I felt respected and supported, always maintaining my sovereignty as she shared these profound messages.
Her wisdom and intuition are exceptional, and I can’t recommend her enough for anyone seeking truth and direction in their life.“
- Jia Dafu, opulencewithjia.com
I signed up for the Akashic Records Level 1 Certification because I felt that Spirit was ready to communicate with me, but I didn’t know how to reliably make that happen. THIS CLASS WAS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED to learn the tools I now use to receive HIGHER GUIDANCE and KNOWLEDGE.
Alicia’s class is compassionate and welcoming, and I loved feeling the high vibration of the energies holding the class through our experience. My intuition was heightened, allowing me more success with opening my records. I truly didn’t want the class to end! I now have validation in my ability to access my records and a process that puts me in the driver seat for choosing when I want to make that connection.
I can’t recommend this class high enough for anyone looking for the next step in their journey."
~ Tasha Smith, Olympia, Washington

Released Doubt, More Grounded and Connected
"Before my reading, I was feeling curious, excited, and also a bit lost & confused. After my reading, I learned that I need to trust all that is coming to me, I understood the connection I have to energy and my intuition and I RELEASED DOUBT, which makes me feel MORE GROUNDED and CONNECTED.
My biggest takeaway is how we have access to so much if we trust and allow for HEALING and CONNECTION. That our soul is EXPANSIVE and MAGICAL.
I would recommend Alicia to anyone who is curious about their soul's journey and who is looking to further connect to themselves and the light within and around them."
~ Leslie L. Bost, Conscious Parenting Coach, Founder of Sabios Parenting, sabiosparenting.com

Non-Judgmental, Very Loving Space
I happened upon Alicia many years ago when I was doing deep soul searching work. At the time all I could think of was “I want to work with Alicia”.
Time went on, and somehow, somewhere I “found” Alicia again. She was offering a 21 day challenge “Re-Root into Love” ! This is where I dived at the opportunity.
Fast forward to October 2021, I received an e-mail for Akashic Record Training. I immediately signed up… not knowing how on earth it would ever unfold or even if it would.
A week before training started, I came up against an “issue” – including past trauma. What I found so very precious, was how her Record Keepers, very casually – and quickly – I may add, dropped one word in the conversation. It kind of threw me – thinking “Wait a minute. Did I say something about that?”. Only later did I realise that I hadn’t, and clear guidance was given to me with that one word!
I truly appreciated the fact that apart from the non-judgemental, very loving space, Alicia holds the highest undistorted Frequency of Pure Divine LOVE! This is radiated, shared and ignited in each person that she comes into contact with.
I am truly honoured and blessed to have done this training and SO look forward to the next level of training!"
~ Laurice Engelbrecht, Virtual PA, Johannesburg, South Africa
One of the Most Valuable Experiences of my Life
"I took a course with Alicia in October of 2021 and in January 2022 on how to open and read my own Akashic Records. It was one of the most valuable experiences of my life.
I understood and learned so much about love and self-compassion through Alicia's guidance.
Alicia is very compassionate. She’s eloquent and is able to explain both simple and complicated concepts with great detail, humor, joy and her own anecdotal stories.
Alicia prepared and welcomed me to open up my own Records and use this knowledge to help others and I am extremely grateful for this"
- Rachel Leigh Barker, Intuitive Consultant, Coach and Healer, alignedandawake.com

Life Altering
“Before my reading with Alicia, I was experiencing anxiety from post-traumatic stress and I was unable to go out without feeling overwhelmed.
My reading IMMEDIATELY RELEASED that feeling and I feel like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. I felt light-hearted again.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Alicia. My reading was life altering.”
~ Laura Connelly

“Step aside Aretha Franklin, there’s a new QUEEN of SOUL on the scene, and her name is Alicia Isaacs Howes!
As someone in a leadership position and supporting other people’s growth – it’s crucial for me to have a soft place to land so I can recharge my own batteries and continue to “lead the troops”.
Without question, Alicia delivers amazing results every time. Don’t be fooled by this woman’s HUGE heart and gentle nature. Underneath all that is a fierce, loving warrior with an uncanny, out-of-this-world ability to direct her arrow of TRUTH at the core of your issues/blocks and powerfully blast them out of your energy field – FAST!”
~ The Queen of Hearts™, AttractYourKing.com

“At 55, there are only a few people that I can honestly say have truly changed the trajectory of my life.
Alicia has provided spiritual and practical guidance that has triggered healing, inspiration and fulfillment on so many levels.
I would highly recommend Alicia for anyone looking to expand, heal and fill their lives with purpose and abundance.”
~ Psychological Astrology, API, Psychosynthesis & Bach Flower Therapy, IBFPSwitzerland, victorianbythesea.com

Amazed, Excited Inspired
“My time with Alicia left me amazed, excited and inspired.
It has taken me a couple of days to fully absorb everything Alicia shared with me and I am left feeling very satisfied and more curious than ever. Alicia put me at ease and her kindness meant so much to me. I definitely will be working with Alicia again as I continue down my path of enlightenment and healing.”
~ Noelle E, Illinois

Inner Peace
“Before my reading I felt nervous and did not know what to expect.
Now I feel much better and understood some inner fears and where they came from.
The changes I’ve enjoyed are more acceptance, inner peace, lighter feeling and more of an understanding picture of my past lives.
I'd recommend Alicia to anyone who is requesting to have a reading with her. ”
~ Debra Howe, CEO for dhpetcare.com

Outstanding Results
“Wow – what an exceptional reading.
I'm going through a growing/transition phase in my life. Alicia was able to confirm I on the right path, even provided resources to further my success.
Our connection was instant and empowering. I highly recommend her to all. She utilizes intuition with her coaching background for OUTSTANDING RESULTS.
Don’t wait to change your life for the better. Contact her today!”
~ Julie Delgado

Feel 10 FT Tall!
“I found my reading to be reassuring, fascinating, and empowering. Alicia has a true gift and the ability to share it in such an inclusive, straightforward way which feels relevant to daily life.
As much as what she is doing is ‘mystical’, Alicia is simply tuned into another sense which most of us never use, and her clarity is amazing!
Everything she shares she shares with love and when the reading was over I felt ten feet tall!
I am going to give my mother the gift of an Akashic Reading and can’t wait for her to discover how special it is.”
~ Anastasia Brien

Calm & Peace
“Book right now–I mean it! I had a reading with Alicia yesterday and feel anyone and everyone who has any questions about their Soul Story or how to GET BACK ON TRACK in their life can sincerely benefit from her warmth, integrity, insight, healing and compassion.
From the moment we first spoke, I was washed over with a sense of CALM and PEACE, and knew Alicia would discover what I needed to hear to heal and regain the love and joy in my own life.
Just call–you’ll be thrilled!!!”
~ Pamela Radke

Paradigm Shifting
“When I started my program with Alicia I had a lot of unanswered questions about what direction I was going to head in professionally and personally. In my initial call she was able to provide insights that shifted my paradigm about myself and what was POSSIBLE.
My work with Alicia has opened up my heart and mind to new ways of being in my life and in my work. I have a DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of what’s underneath the obstacles to moving my business forward. I have grown so much on a spiritual level and believe that it will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Alicia has a beautiful spirit and is easy to relate to. She CUTS THROUGH THE NOISE and gets to the essence of the moment to provide GUIDANCE and WISDOM to propel you FORWARD. I have recommended Alicia to my friends as I feel she is SPECIAL and has UNIQUE skills that set her apart from other coaches. I’m forever grateful.”
~ Amy Heirman, Principal, The Heirman Group

Feeling Whole, Full of Energy
“Before my reading I felt lost and empty, struggling with "who am I", what is my "life purpose" and no one understands me.
After completing my program with Alicia, I have never felt more WHOLE, FULL OF ENERGY and ready to EXPLORE more about who I am and the WONDERFUL GIFTS I possess and to share with the world that NO ONE IS REALLY ALONE.
Alicia is a wonderful, soft-spoken woman with a great talent in SEEING WHO YOU TRULY ARE and BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN YOU.
I highly recommend Alicia to anyone who is willing to that that leap of faith to UNCOVER THEIR SOUL'S FULL POTENTIAL.
Thank you so much Alicia for the WONDERFUL, EYE-OPENING sessions and I cannot wait to connect with you again."
~ Samantha Morton

Pain Gone, More Energy
“For over 3 years I have had a pain in my right hip, getting really bad the last 8-9 months or so. In the second week of the Soul Attunements the pain started to go away and is now completely gone!
I have also had lots more energy, and felt very motivated to do a 9 day detox in the middle of this, resulting in losing 2 of 3 kg that I put on over 3 years ago and have not managed to shift until now.
Thank you for all your work Alicia!”
~ Vibeke Francis, Reiki Master Healer, whitehorsereiki.com

Excited & Confident
“Before the VIP day, I didn’t think I had it in me to make up a program that would work for me and my clients. Now I feel excited for my future and happy I am moving toward the work that truly suits me.
What I loved the most was that one moment in the class when I realized I can really make this happen, that this is not just a dream–it’s a reality.
I love working with Alicia. She is smart, talented, creative, highly intuitive and connected, a beautiful soul and human being. Of course, I would recommend her!”
~ Anita Raviele, anitaraviele.com

Confidence Soared
““I was experiencing a lot of doubts and fears my own life, and suffering from depression, which was keeping me stuck. I knew I needed some Guidance to knock me out of this dark rut and grabbed the first opportunity for a private reading with Alicia.
I was astounded at her ability to tune into fears and blocks from previous lifetimes. She helped me to shift and clear these with GREAT EASE.
I was so fascinated by her process that she encouraged me to try it out for myself by learning how to access my own Records.
My CONFIDENCE HAS SOARED as a result, so much so that I have become fully qualified as an Akashic Records Consultant myself!
So what are you waiting for? Grab the opportunity to invest in yourself, so you can also remove the blocks and fears that are holding you back from the abundant lifestyle you know in your heart you were born to live.” ~ Alison Stokes, Astrologer, Mystic Therapist, Akashic Records Consultant

Comfortable in my Own Skin
“Alicia gave me my first Soul Story reading the other day. It was such a magical experience.
A recording of the session was sent to me but I took a long time time get up the guts to listen to my voice.
Finally, I got myself to sit down for a listen thinking I would cringe, which is what I normally do when I hear myself. This did not happen which surprised me. For the first time I was feeling comfortable in my own skin!
Thank you Alicia for your nurturing, transforming session."
~ Sayuri Kusakabe

Positive Outlook & Courage
“I’m so glad to have found Alicia–she’s been a tremendous help to me in achieving the confidence and success I’ve longed to have in my life.
She helped me embrace who I am and pursue my dreams. Her positive, gentle guidance and encouragement helped me trust myself and be open to creating the life I want to live.
If you have any questions, please contact me and I’d be happy to share my experiences with Alicia, her classes and programs.”
~ Annie Price, soulsoaring.com