Hi, I'm Alicia
I believe you were born to LOVE LIFE and LET LIFE LOVE YOU RIGHT BACK.
There’s probably AT LEAST ONE REASON our paths have crossed.
It's probably to do with helping you TRUST yourself to MAKE THE MOVES that will lead to more EASE and JOYFUL FLOW in your BUSINESS and RELATIONSHIPS, including the one with yourself, sharing your unique gifts and epurpose more fully.
Why pick me to help you get to that?
Well, life's a mystery and we may never really know;-) But here's more about me that might click with you.
I’m an Akashic Record expert, best-selling contributing author (x 3), a Londoner happily married to a guy from Kalamazoo, and Mum to two wonderful,witty, musical beings.
I love languages and can speak or get by in 5. I've a special love for Spanish which was my major at the University of Hull.
I've lived in 5 countries and travelled to over 32. (Have you guessed I'm a Sagittarian?)
I'm obsessed with creme brulee and would love you to share if you have a great recipe!
I may have watched more than one or two ghost hunter shows;-)
I'm a former computer programmer and management consultant with expertise in process improvement, change management and training.
I love to LEARN and the excitement of validated messages hasn't faded after 20+ years.
But for this lifetime we picked planet Earth. That's why everything I share has to help with making PRACTICAL, DO-ABLE CHANGES in our modern world!

It was back in 1997 as an audience member on Oprah with Laura Day (author of Practical Intuition) that my intuitive gifts were revealed.
But I still didn't get that what I somehow knew, saw or felt was a blessing more than a curse.
(Perhaps you know what that's like too?)
While working as a management consultant at one of the Top 5 global consulting companies, I was told I had a disease with no cure, and only pain killers and surgeries as treatment.
So I started to look for other ways to work with my body.
That led to my first Akashic Record (Soul Story) reading and my TURNING POINT.
I got personal healing and a NEW CALLING as an INTUITIVE COACH and TEACHER.

Now I combine expertise in PROCESS IMPROVEMENT and TRAINING with CRYSTAL-CLEAR INTUITION, a KIND and CARING APPROACH and POWERFUL GUIDANCE, all focused on loving life and letting life love us right back!
Since 2000, I've:
- Certified in 2 Akashic Record methodologies
- Developed Your Soul Story™ system
- Conducted 1000s of Akashic Record readings with clients around the world
- Taught 100s to work in their own Akashic Records
- Trained 45+ Akashic Record consultants or teachers
- Created and delivered multiple courses, workshops and private coaching
- Since 2000, I've invested $100,000s in professional trainings, coaching and healing certifications, including Money Breakthrough Business Coaching/Sacred Money Archetypes®, private coaching and high-end masterminding
- Discovered countless ways to shift energy with energy (aka healing)
- Contributed to 3 Amazon® #1 Best Sellers (365 Moments of Grace, 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul, 365 Days of Angel Prayers)
What does that mean for you?
Developing skills as a programmer, instructional designer and director of multiple project teams to roll-out and manage new technology resulted in a strong LEFT-BRAIN, which I use to deliver:
- SIMPLE EXPLANATIONS of COMPLEX CONCEPTS (including the BIG LIFE STUFF that goes beyond words;-)
- PRACTICAL TOOLS that make a difference QUICKLY, sometimes minutes
You get to benefit from this, plus:
- HIGHER LEVEL GUIDANCE (some might say divine;-)
- PERSONAL EXPERIENCES and EXAMPLES to help open up to possibilities and how you can MOVE FORWARDS
Maybe you’re INTUITIVE, a HEALER or COACH and need someone to help you trust your guidance, create a life you love and know you're making a positive difference every day.
Or you might be gifted in other ways and want to value yourself and your unique gifts, express your purpose and do all you can to enjoy your very best life.
If you're ready to take a LEAP in how you feel about yourself, your life or your business, I'd love to help!

To get started right away, access this FREE TRAINING!

In just over 1 hour, you'll:
- Identify which of the 4 COMMON BLOCKS to FINANCIAL FLOW is affecting you now
- Understand how it's CAPPING your business and prosperity
- Be able to make NEW CHOICES with this NEW AWARENESS and UNLOCK the POTENTIAL in your business
- Ask questions or share your a-ha in my private community space
- Watch, listen or get on-the-go app to access 6 short modules